Friday, April 17, 2009

News from the All Chairs Meeting--delay in prioritization process?

President Edna said at the Chairs meeting on Wed, Apr 15, that she thinks the prioritization process needs more time, and mentioned bringing AABAC and UPB back in June. There would be some logistical issues I assume in finding a way to continue to get broad faculty feedback into the summer, but stretching it somewhat would make the process a process.

She also said that main criteria for which programs will be "under the microscope" is those with a 4 year tuition cost recovery of roughly 75% or less, though she acknowledged that the data is incomplete.

Personally I think the clarity about the benchmark and an extension of the process are both good.

You may feel differently, which is why it is very important to make your feelings known. Let IFO know what you think (, ask President Edna questions if you have them (, and/or come to the April 23 Meet & Confer, at which the IFO will confer with the president regarding the change in timeline and probably other issues.

You can make a difference in this process, but not by keeping your thoughts to yourself.

Right now that M&C is scheduled for 3PM at the Gaede Stage (it was supposed to be the first announcement of programs in jeopardy), though you should watch your email for the agenda/location.

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