Monday, April 20, 2009

Comparison of MN House and Senate Higher Ed Bills

The most noticeable (and noted) difference between the higher education bills in the House (HF 869) and Senate (SF2083) is the level of funding.

The details of the bills also differ in a number of ways that will impact our situation at MSUM. A list of points on which the bills differ is below. Follow the links to read the comparisons, or get a PDF copy of the whole shebang.
  1. Total funding (base and stimulus).
  2. Base funding level for next biennium FY2012-13 (determines funding level used in planning).
  3. Limits on MnSCU central funding.
  4. Restrictions on use of stimulus funds.
  5. Caps on tuition increases.
The information in this comparison is based in part on information from Russ Stanton, IFO Legislative Liason, and from the education bills themselves.

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